Crisi occupazionali e tecniche di tutela

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 189/2013

In corso di pubblicazione nel volume che raccoglie i risultati della ricerca Prin 2008 su Crisi d’impresa: rimedi legali e convenzionali a tutela del reddito e dell’occupazione nell’ordinamento italiano e comunitario, Giappichelli ed.

The essay examines the techniques used to tackle the employment crisis in the light of the most recent labor market reforms. After having studied the changes to the rules on collective redundancies, the essay focuses in particular on the role of bilateral funds which have been conferred important skills to facilitate operations to reduce collective and voluntary redundancies. However, these functions reproduce a series of technical and legal issues that relate more generally to the forms of welfare arranged by collective bargaining.

Ferraro, Giuseppe
working papers,Italy,reforms,economic recession,redundancy,collective dismissal,collective agreement,social dialogue,welfare