Un Jobs Act per il lavoro autonomo: verso una nuova disciplina della dipendenza economica?

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 235/2015

Contributo in corso di pubblicazione in Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali, 2015.

The new Italian labour law market reform (i.e. Jobs Act) regards, inter alia, the overcoming of “collaborazioni coordinate e continuative” (a form of independent contract coordinated to the committee). 
It’s an historical expedience for the legislator to adapt a new regulation about the economically dependent form of work, giving same basic protection for such category of workers.
The essay analyses the topic, giving same theoretical and practical reflections about subordination, independent contract and the need to regulate them in a vision with ILO recommendations and with the comparative analysis in the European legal systems.

Perulli, Adalberto
working papers,Italy,labour market,reforms,self-employment,standard employment,flexibility,flexicurity,social protection,Jobs act