Il filo rosa intessuto nel diritto del lavoro: un’analisi gender sensitive degli interventi legislativi dell’ultimo triennio*

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 239/2015

This essay has been anonymously peer-reviewed by a referee selected by the editors. Submitted: 2015-01-07; Accepted: 2015-02-04; Published: 2015-02-10.

In order to verify the wished enhancing of female participation to the national economy, the author tries to wind the “pink wire” woven in the legislative reforms introduced in Italy during the past three years: from law n. 92/2012, passing through the reforms introduced by Letta’s Government, arriving to the so called Jobs Act promoted by the actual Government. In particular, the essay analyses in a gender perspective the recent rules concerning the establishment of an employment relationship (economic incentives for recruitment, on the one hand, and innovations in the regulation of fixed term and part-time contracts, on the other), work-life balance and resignations.

Fenoglio, Anna
working papers,Italy,labour market,reforms,non standard employment,fixed term contract,female work,part-time employment,work-life balance,resignation