La riforma del mercato del lavoro nel contesto della “nuova geografia del lavoro”

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 338/2017

Il presente contributo, in corso di pubblicazione su Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali Numero 3/XXVII – 2017, propone, contestualizzandole con riferimento al caso italiano, alcune delle riflessioni maturate nel corso della ricerca The Future of Euro-pean Labour Law and the Right to Employability. Which Role for the Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning? (in European Labour Law Journal, 2016, vol. 7, n. 3, 498-519) condotta tra il 2015 e il 2017 nell’ambito del progetto Future Direc-tions in EU Labour Law, finanziato tramite il British Academy Rising Star Engage-ment Award e coordinato dal Prof. Jeremias Prassl, Associate Professor in Law and Fellow del Magdalen College, Oxford.

The article analyses, in light of the transitional labour market theory, labour market organisation and regulation in Italy after the Legislative Decree No. 150/2015, in order to verify whether it is in line with the transformations affecting territories, businesses and career paths in the frame of the so called “new geography of work”. The A. retraces the fragments of the current demand and supply regulatory system, by focusing on some specific tools, and suggests possible developments that take more into account issues which have been insufficiently scrutinized until now, both with respect to the role of actors involved, as well as to the tools and measures to be privileged in order to meet the challenges in place.

Casano, Lilli