Call for papers "Work Beyond the Pandemic. Towards a Human-Centred Recovery" (deadline 20/09/2021)

More than one year after the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is possible to draw up an analysis on the extensive impact that it has produced on the economic and social dimension, and, at the same time, to envisage a horizon of recovery, in the light of the solutions and the instruments identified by the various countries of the world to tackle the crisis.

In addition to emphasizing critical issues and accelerating dynamics that were already widespread in the society, in the economy and in the labour market, the pandemic is providing an opportunity to relaunch a critical analysis on the future of work. The massive investment plans released in several regional and national jurisdictions to promote the recovery and mitigate the social effects of the post-pandemic restructuring, in fact, will have a crucial influence on the processes of transformation under way in employment relations and in the labour market, thus calling for a better understanding and an in-depth critical analysis of its implementation...