E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies

 Volume 9, N. 1 January 2020

Table of Contents

Valeria Filì, Michele Tiraboschi

Labour law
The Eu Directive on the Protection of Whistleblowers: A Missed Opportunity to Establish International Best Practices?
David Lewis

Protecting Workers’ Psychological Wellbeing: Some Legal Aspects
Olena Rym, Svitlana Synchuk, Volodymyr Burak

Definition of Workers and Application of the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006: An Appraisal
Hassan Faruk Al Imran

Industrial relations
Labour Involvement as a Participatory Mechanism in Developing Economies: Contrasting the European Model
John Opute, Karl Koch

Social security law
The Québec Parental Leave Insurance Program : an innovation for a Canadian province in parental leave
Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay

Anti-discrimination Law and Human Rights
The 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Child Labour exploitation
Michele Riondino

Book Reviews
Collective Bargaining and Collective Action. Labour Agency and Governance in the 21st Century? Edited by Julia López López. A Review.
Paolo Tomassetti, Ilaria Armaroli