La riforma Monti-Fornero e i licenziamenti collettivi

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 161/2012

Si tratta del contributo dell’A. per il Commentario alla legge n. 92/2012,  a cura di M. Cinelli, G. Ferraro, O. Mazzotta, in corso di pubblicazione con Giappichelli.

The A. analyses the main changes introduced by the so-called Fornero reform on collective redundancies. He identifies changes aimed at a simple maintenance of the l. 223/1991 and those intended to provoke radical innovations. In particular, the A. addresses the issue of the effectiveness of collective bargaining agreements with respect to defects in the initial communication, the overcoming of the principle of concomitance of final communications of the procedure and the individual acts of withdrawal, the new separate sanctions regimes applicable in the case of a breach of legal discipline.

Albi, Pasqualino
working papers,Italy,reforms,collective dismissal,collective bargaining,trade union rights,worker information,rights of workers