Reclamo contro la sentenza di primo grado nel procedimento specifico in materia di licenziamenti (articolo 1, commi 58 ss, legge n. 92 del 2012): natura, forma e filtro dell’appello

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 194/2013

Il testo ripropone, in sintesi, la rielaborazione – corredata di note essenziali – della relazione al seminario su Le modifiche e le novità del diritto processuale del lavoro, organizzato dall’Associazione degli avvocati romani (Roma, Teatro Manzoni, 5 luglio 2013).
In corso di pubblicazione su Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro n. 4/2013.

The complaint against the first-instance judgment — in particular proceeding relating to collective redundancies (Article 1, paragraphs 58 et seq, Law no. 92, 2012) — is nothing more than an appeal. Thus, unless otherwise provided for by Article 1, paragraphs 58 et seq, Law n. 92 of 2012, the complaint is subject to procedural rules on appeal for employment disputes( art. 433 et seq. Cpc) and namely to the amendments relating to form and filtering as recently enacted( see Article 54 dl 22 June 2012, n. 83, converted to l.7 August 2012, n. 134).
The inside story of the reforms is therefore dealt with along with the issues related to form, filtering and further appeal against the decision of first instance in case the appeal is deemed not having any reasonable chance of being upheld, and thus dismissed as inadmissible.

De Luca, Michele
working papers ,Italy, reforms ,termination of employment , dismissal ,collective dismissal , rights of workers , unfair dismissal , labour dispute , labour tribunal