Vulnerabili digitali, poveri della rete e padroni del tempo: l’approccio rimediale case-by-case nel lavoro delle piattaforme
WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 473/2023

Il saggio è destinato al volume “Il lavoro povero ‘san phrase. Oltre la fattispecie”, a cura di B. Caruso, in corso di pubblicazione per il Mulino. Il volume è un omaggio dei giuslavoristi catanesi alla memoria di Riccardo Del Punta.

The essay addresses the issue of work in the complex and varied world of digital platforms, which have become emblematic of new forms of poverty in spite of work and, at the same time, of the new regulatory challenges to which post-digital revolution labour law is subjected.
The essay attempts to summarise how the phenomenon undermines the case in point, highlights new forms of vulnerability of workers operating through platforms, and focuses on remedialism, judicial as well as legislative, with a view to guaranteeing the effectiveness of labour regulations, regardless of abstract qualifications. Aware of the bottlenecks in the qualification of the work of digital platforms, on the one hand, the author argues that these new forms of work, highly diversified among themselves and characterised by an increasingly fluid triangularity, need basic protections to cope with new dimensions of poverty, not only ascribable to a mere economic-wage issue; on the other, the author highlights how platform work stimulates new regulation techniques, new forms of resistance and collective action, as well as the creation of new transnational solidarity networks that increasingly, and in a new way, involve public opinion with a view to promoting a platform society model centred on the production of public and not just economic value.

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Zappalà, Loredana