Bentornata realtà: il pubblico impiego dopo la fase onirica

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 168/2013

Lo scritto riprende una relazione tenuta il 18 febbraio 2013 al Convegno in memoria di Umberto Pototschnig intitolato Dove va il pubblico impiego? Leggendo il commentario al d.lgs. n. 150/2009 su Le nuove leggi civili commentate a cura di A. Garilli-M. Napoli, organizzato dall’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. La destinazione finale e' la rivista Jus.

Although the reform of public employment has not worked properly, the A. believes that the privatization started in 1990s is a scientific irreversible revolution. In 2009 the last step of the reform has not carried into effect yet also because it has not identified the correct legal tools to operate on the implementation faults that have been standing out since 2001. Now a new legal very pragmatic intervention is necessary, by supporting best practices and sanctioning the political leadership when it does not use correctly the collective bargaining and managerial tools.     

Zoppoli, Lorenzo
working papers,Italy,public sector,civil servant,reforms