Il lavoro agile nella disciplina legale, collettiva ed individuale - Stato dell’arte e proposte interpretative di un gruppo di giovani studiosi

WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" Collective Volumes - 6/2017

Atti del convegno del Gruppo giovani giuslavoristi Sapienza (GggS) – Roma 18 ottobre 2017
Il contributo è stato sottoposto a peer-review anonima da un revisore selezionato dalla collana del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche della Sapienza Università di Roma, ove sarà pubblicato.

This collective volume contains reports and speechs from the conference organized in Rome, Faculty of law, 18th october 2017, by “Gruppo giovani giuslavoristi Sapienza (GggS)” on the theme Law, collective bargaining and individual agreement on smart working employment relationship. State of art and reading keys by a group of young scholars.
The Authors focus on many aspects of smart working. In particular the papers deal with (i) the definition of this new kind of employment relationship, both in collective agreements and in the law; (ii) the scope of the discipline and the wages policies for the smart worker; (iii) the connections between legal and collective rules; (iv) the role played by individual contract; (v) the italian procedure of certification on the smart working agreement; (vi) the employer's power to control the employee's conduct; (vii) working hours and and the right to be disconnected from work; (viii) health and safety rights and obligations. This collective volume provide for a first interpretation on the new legal institute of smart working and the related problems, such as the typology to assess this new way of performing subordinate work, taking into account time and place flexibility at work, productivity and reconciliation between work and private life.

Gruppo giovani giuslavoristi Sapienza (GggS)