La Direttiva 2008/104/CE relativa al lavoro tramite agenzia interinale: aspetti problematici e modelli di implementazione

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 101/2013

In corso di pubblicazione su Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali.

The problematic gestation of  the Directive on temporary agency work shows the presence of several criticalities that there are also in the national transposition in relation to the principle of equal treatment and to the mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments. From a first analysis it can be said that in some EU Member  States only the derogations have been implemented and not the general principle of equal treatment. At the same time,  the obligation of the Member States, contained in the Directive on temporary agency work, to establish mechanisms for preventing abuse during successive assignments is crucial, especially in the light of the recent case law of the EU Court of Justice in which the Court does not apply to the temporary agency workers the protective rules of the Directive on fixed-term contracts (see C-290/12 , Della Rocca).

Ferrara, Maria Dolores
working papers,labour market,temporary work agency,working conditions,equal treatment,rights of workers