WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 154/2019
Lo stesso è in corso di pubblicazione nel volume a cura di A. Garilli, Dall’emergenza al rilancio. Lavoro e diritti sociali alla prova della pandemia, in uscita per i tipi Giappichelli.
The covid-19 outbreak has raised questions about the role of European solidarity and its effectiveness as an integral part of the european social model.
The public health emergency has enlighted the limits of the EU integration process, which is still characterized by a persistent deficit of democratic legitimacy of the Union and the absence of risk-sharing tools between Member States.
The essay examines the common EU response to tackle the pandemic crisis, which represents a breaktrough if compared to the measures taken by the european Institutions during the previous financial crisis. The deal on the Recovery fund, which came after a long negotiation, can represent a turning point for the deepening of the social dimension of the EU, opening the way to strengthen its constitutional structure and to develop a better integration among its Member States.