Covid-19 e sicurezza sul lavoro: nuovi rischi, vecchie regole?

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 413/2020

Il testo, con opportune modifiche ed integrazioni, sarà pubblicato, per ediesse, in un e-book su Coronavirus e Lavoro, curato da Olivia Bonardi, Umberto Carabelli, Madia D'Onghia e Lorenzo Zoppoli

The hazard and the hygienic-sanitary problems of the epidemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus have also spread in the working environments to avoid, or at least minimize, the risk of contaminating these places. The consequences and related remedies of the risk of “Covid-19” on the entire population have crossed the consequences and remedies in the workplace, causing problems of accurate interpretation and application of rules . The present paper examines the new norms and relative issues, framing them in the wider regulatory framework and application of safety at work

Natullo, Gaetano