26 Set 2024

IE Lawtomation Days (3rd edition): Computing the law, regulating the algorithm: the transformative power of digital ecosystems

on-site only h. 13:30 | 26-27 settembre 2024 Paseo de la Castellana 259, Madrid

30 Set 2024

Riflessioni sul pubblico impiego da chi lo vive, lo studia, lo giudica

on-site only h. 15:00 | Via Maresciallo Caviglia 24, Roma

03 Ott 2024

Rethinking the Law-Collective Bargaining Nexus

on-site only h. 14:30 | 3-4 October 2024, Aix-en-Provence

06 Ott 2024

2nd LLC Early Carrier Seminars on Comparative Labour Law (ECOLL)

on-site only | 6-9 October 2024, Salina

08 Ott 2024

Contro il lavoro povero

on-site only h. 15:00 | via San Giovanni Paolo II, Salerno