WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 124/2015
Este trabajo, enriquecido y acompañado de notas, inspirado tanto por el informe presentado en el Seminario Internacional de estudios organizado en Catania (Department of Law) el 21-22 de noviembre de 2014, sobre “Il recesso dai rapporti di lavoro", y el informe presentado en España, en la Universidad de Alicante, el 15 de mayo de 2015, en la conferencia “Repensando el modelo de empleo pùblico”. Este trabajo se publica en una obra colectiva titulada La Extinción del contrato de trabajo: perspectiva comparada de las regulaciones Italiana y Española Tirant Lo Blanch (Valencia).
Several reforms in Italy have affected the work in public administration; from the years 1997-98 to now many rules have changed and with varying intensity the legislator has tried to bring the discipline of all labour relations under the aegis of the private law.
From 1997-98 it is possible to identify three phases of reform in which we tried not only to bring the ratio of public to private employment but also, and simultaneously, to raise the ethical behavior, the spending review and the ability to know the total of ' administrative action (total disclosure). In these reforms a central role has been recognized to public management.
Also the employment of public managers suffered contractualization and is now governed by two contracts: one for the ratio of permanent jobs and one for the fixed- term contract. In this paper after having highlighted the salient features of the reforms of recent years, in matters of public employment, the author reconstructs the complicated intertwining of the employment relationship of indefinite duration and fixed- term contract of public management; then he observes the dynamics of the withdrawal from the two types of contracts, especially since the reform Renzi-Madia.