WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 146/2018
In corso di pubblicazione in G. Bronzini (a cura di) Verso un pilastro sociale europeo? Dopo la Joint Declaration di Göteborg, Atti del convegno della Fondazione Basso, Roma, 9 maggio 2018, Fondazione Basso, Roma.
The paper deals with the topic of the possible regulatory approaches to platform work at national and supranational level.
Starting from an in-depth examination of the notion of platform work, the Author proposes a taxonomy of the different types of work in the digital era, dealing with the regulatory issues arising from any of them.
The subject is analysed in the context of the European integration and, in particular, of the recently proclamed European Social Pillar, from which the Author draws inspiration for proposing, in the last part of the paper, a multilevel regulatory approach to the aims of protection of platform workers.