Il lavoro a termine nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia

WP C.S.D.L.E. "Massimo D'Antona" .INT - 93/2012

Il saggio riproduce, con l’aggiunta delle note, l’intervento svolto nell’ambito della Lectio Magistralis in memoria di Massimo Roccella tenutasi a Cagliari il 21 ottobre 2011.

The paper analyzes the ECJ case law on fixed-term work, with specific regard to non-regression clause, measures to prevent abuses and the principle of non-discrimination. In particular, the Author points out that the principle of non-discrimination is to be regarded as being the core of the fixed-term work regulation; in this respect, especially in more recent judgments, the Court seems to maximize the scope of such principle.

Alessi, Cristina
working papers, labour law, labour market, non-standard employment, work contract, fixed-term work, equal treatment, anti-discriminatory measure, jurisprudence