The New EU Legal Regime on Labour Migration and its Effects on Italy: The Implementation of Directives 2009/50, 2011/98 and 2014/36. Towards a Human Rights-Based Approach?

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 122/2015

This paper is the pre-edited version of a chapter which will be published in R. Blanpain, F. Hendrickx (eds.), P. Herzfeld Olsson (guest ed.), National Effects of the Implementation of Three EU Directives on Labour Migration from Third Countries (preliminary title), Bullettin of Comparative Labour Relations (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2016).

The focus of the paper is to investigate what effects the implementation of the Single Permit Directive (2011/98/EU) and the Blue Card Directive (2009/50/EC) have had on a national level and the Seasonal Workers Directive (2014/36/EU) will have on a national level. The starting point is that these Directives open up the EU labour market to three new categories of workers provided with new sets of rights. In order to evaluate their status, the common effect of migration law and labour law is examined. In particular, the paper explains how three EU-directives on labour migration interact with the Italian labour migration system and to what extent the aims with the legislative process have been fulfilled.

Chiaromonte, William