Il fenomeno dell’appalto nei suoi profili strutturali. Appalto lecito, illecito e intermediazione di mano d’opera
WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 481/2024

Il saggio costituisce l’ampia rielaborazione, con l’aggiunta delle note, della relazione tenuta il 28 febbraio 2023 a Venezia, presso l’Università Ca’ Foscari, nel Convegno Appalto e rapporti di lavoro.
La relazione sarà prossimamente pubblicata negli Atti del Convegno, che saranno editi dalla Giappichelli.

The essay analyses the labor subcontracting provided for in Article 29 of Legislative Decree 276/2003. In the initial part, the study focuses on the economic and social phenomena that led to the enactment of Law 1369 of 1960 on the prohibition of labor intermediation. After highlighting the organizational, technological, and legal changes that had undermined Law 1369/1960, the study examines the new case introduced by Article 29 of Legislative Decree 276/2003. In particular, the prerequisites for the existence of a lawful subcontract are studied (the presence of a genuine enterprise assuming entrepreneurial risk management; the presence of an autonomous entrepreneurial organization; exercise of organizational directive power over employees, and so on). The study then focuses on the consequences arising from an unlawful subcontract, identifying criminal and administrative sanctions and the possible establishment of an employment relationship with the contractor. Further aspects are then considered, such as the time limit for legal action, the persistence of the salary obligation on the contractor and the client in the case of an unlawful subcontract, the dismissal of the intermediary contractor, and the clauses of collective agreements prohibiting subcontracting.

Attached ITA
Speziale, Valerio