Lavoro e impresa digitale tra norme nazionali ed economia transnazionale

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 405/2019

Una versione in lingua spagnola del presente saggio è in corso di pubblicazione in Lucas Caparròs- Héctor O. Garcìa (a cura di), El trabajo en la economía de plataformas, Buenos Aires 2020.
Sebbene il lavoro di ricerca sia frutto di una riflessione comune, i parr. 1-2-3-4-5 sono attribuibili ad Antonio Loffredo e i parr. 6-7-8-9-10-11 a Marco Tufo.

The present paper aims at giving a general overview of digital work in Italian and EU labour law. The first part of the research is dedicated to the issue of legal qualification in digital relationships. Specifically, it is assessed, on the one hand, if the traditional characteristics of the employment contract fit these relationships while, on the other hand, who the employer is in digital work, with special regard to platform work. Then, the supranational and transnational dimensions of digital work are explored, to see how EU and transnational labour law have regulated the phenomenon concerned. After that, digital work is analysed from a collective labour law perspective, to see which actions Trade Unions have taken. Finally, the present Italian legal framework of digital work is assessed and an inventory of general protections for digital workers is drawn.

Loffredo, Antonio – Tufo, Marco