Dalla autoregolamentazione” alla “legge sindacale”? La questione dell’ambito di misurazione della rappresentatività sindacale

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 209/2014

Il lavoro riprende e sviluppa il contenuto dell’intervento dell’A. al convegno Regole della rappresentanza sindacale e vincoli costituzionali, Roma 27 marzo 2014.

The paper deepens the reasons that require a legislative intervention in support of interconfederal bargaining of January 10, 2014; it also illustrates some of the possible contents of the "trade union law", in the light of the current doctrinal debate. In particular the A. focuses on the problem of defining by statute the measurement of trade union representation, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of some case (a. the measurement of trade union representation in each collective bargaining; b. the measurement of trade union representation in each collective bargaining selected by interconfederal agreement; c. the measurement of trade union representation in each productive sector). 

Marazza, Marco
working papers,Italy,workers’ representation,trade unions,workers’ organisations,collective bargaining