The BRICS in the spotlight. An interdisciplinary approach - Parma, 6-7 November 2014: Call for Papers

deadline: 30 May 2014

The conference aims to encourage a systematic, interdisciplinary conversation about the importance of BRICS vis-à-vis contemporary debates in the socio-political, economic, geopolitical and legal studies realms.

The conference offers a forum for innovative empirical and theoretical research and encourages a range of disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches, deploying a variety of evidence and methodologies. Regarding geographical scope, the conference accepts country case studies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Intra-BRICS comparative studies are particularly welcome, as well as papers analyzing EU-BRICS multidimensional relations.

he deadline for the submission of Papers proposals is 30 May 2014. The proposal should indicate the name, institutional affiliation and contact details of the author and the paper title and abstract (300 words max), as well as 3 keywords, and it should be sent to brics@unipr.it.
Accepted papers will be noticed by 30 June 2014. Final papers must be submitted by 30 September 2014 at the latest. All accepted papers will be published on the Conference website. Papers should not exceed 8 000 words

The BRICS in the spotlight. An interdisciplinary approach -  Call for Papers