Il processo di “aziendalizzazione” della contrattazione collettiva: tra prossimità e crisi di rappresentatività sindacale

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 214/2014

Di prossima pubblicazione su ADL n. 4/5, 2014.

The crisis of trade union action, with particular regard to collective bargaining, characterizes the current scenario of industrial relations within a more general context where employers’ exigencies seem having gained a greater role than employees’ protection demands.
A crucial role has been played in Italy by the legislation allowing company level agreements to derogate the law. Such new rules have placed again on the agenda traditional questions such as those related to the relationships between legislation and collective autonomy and between different layers of collective bargaining. The essay aims to demonstrate that in such context the effectiveness of collective bargaining is further jeopardised by the current problems affecting union representativity and labour legislation inderogability.

Romeo, Carmelo
working papers,Italy,workers’ representation,trade unions,workers’ organisations,collective bargaining