Il welfare negoziale dei lavoratori autonomi
WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 476/2023

L’articolo comparirà sull’e-book, La tutela previdenziale per i lavoratori autonomi, a cura di G. CANAVESI e V. FILÌ, nella collana Temi di Sicurezza Sociale, Editoriale Scientifica di prossima pubblicazione.

This essay, which will appear in an e-book dedicated to social security protection for self-employed workers, addresses the little-researched topic, in its complexity, of the collective protection of self-employed workers in relation to welfare measures. From the analysis of the legislation and collective agreements, it appears that there is a lively protection system although not very organic and diversified. Finally, critical issues with respect to the constitutional provisions and possible system adaptations are highlighted with a view to both the universalization of protections and substantial equality.

Attached ITA
Olivelli, Filippo