Il salario minimo legale nel “Jobs Act”: promozione o svuotamento dell’azione contrattuale collettiva?

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 241/2015

In corso di pubblicazione, in versione ristretta, in Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro.

The essay deals with art. 1, par. 1 lett. g) Act n. 183 of 10 December 2014, in furtherance of which the Italian Government was delegated to enact an innovative minimum wage legislation. With the aim of discerning the effects of such a policy on the ongoing collective bargaining decentralization process, the A. provides initially an overview on the minimum wage provisions in three other Countries, comparing the latter with the traditional “Italian way to the minimum wage”, i.e. the case law developments in matter of Article 36 of the Italian Constitution. Afterwards, the A.’s attention is addressed to the main issues arising from the recent delegate. Ultimately, the A. explores the potentialities of a minimum wage provision that may support the collective bargaining process and may also potentially lead to unexpected consequences on the whole industrial relations system.

Biasi, Marco
working papers,Italy,economic recession,reforms,pay,minimum pay,work productivity,collective bargaining,social partners,social dialogue,jurisprudence,Jobs act