Lavoro e legalità: “settori a rischio” o “rischio di settore”? Brevi note sulle strategie di contrasto al lavoro illegale (e non solo) nella recente legislazione

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 253/2015

Di prossima pubblicazione in RGL, 4, 2015

The Author offers a survey of the latest tools to combat illegal work, some of which are introduced to contrasting the presence of organized crime in the economic system. It highlights the emersion, alongside the traditional ex post inspection controls, of legality certification ex ante models and in itinere monitoring tools relating in particular to the management of public procurement. The plurality of legal-institutional models, however, requires a more coherent and comprehensive strategy for the promotion of the rule of law in the economic system and a greater awareness of social responsibilities faced by traders.

Viscomi, Antonio