Potere di controllo del datore di lavoro e tutela della riservatezza del lavoratore: i controlli a "distanza" tra attualità della disciplina statutaria, promozione della contrattazione di prossimità e Legge delega del 2014 (c.d. Jobs act)

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 255/2015

Questo scritto è destinato agli Studi in onore di Raffaele De Luca Tamajo

The essay builds lively debate on Article 4 of Law no. 300 of 1970 in the field of remote controls in the light of technological evolution occurred and the new scenarios opened by the rules on the processing of personal data (the Privacy Code), with the incisive interventions of the Guarantor. If in such a complex regulation must be inserted, according to the Author, also the issue of the so-called defensive controls, is considered quite irrelevant to resort to collective bargaining (corporate) proximity stimulated by art. 8 of Law no. 148 of 2011. It advocates, finally, only one "maintenance" of discipline of the Statute, in the hope that we can achieve, over time, to a law "sector".

Lambertucci, Pietro
working paper, Italy, Jobs Act