Il reddito minimo garantito e la riforma degli ammortizzatori sociali

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 270/2015

In corso di pubblicazione nel volume, G. Zilio Grandi, M. Biasi (a cura di), Commentario Breve alla Riforma "Jobs Act", Padova, 2015

The Paper focuses the recent reforms (in the so called Jobs act, particularly in the d.lgs. n. 22/2015) of the italian system of social protection and analyses the declared intention to realize a more “european” model according with the principles of flexicurity and the objectives of Europe 20.20 Strategy. But the new system of unemployment benefits is not solidarity- based and could be ineffective for precarious workers. Italy (with Greece) remains the only member state of European Union that does not protect the right to “a guaranteed minimum income” that is recognized as a fundamental social right by the Charter of Nice and by the European social Charter and was included, since a long time, as basic for the fight against social exclusion. Lacking this specific protection of the essential dignity of the person (and against poverty) the Italian model can’t be considered to be consistent with the repeated supranational indications.

Bronzini, Giuseppe
working paper,Italy