Le clausole sociali negli appalti pubblici: il bilanciamento possibile tra tutela del lavoro e ragioni del mercato

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 275/2015

Il contributo è stato sottoposto a peer-review anonima da un revisore selezionato dalla Direzione della collana. Ricevuto il 06/10/2015; accettato il 19/10/2015; pubblicato il 27/10/2015.

The article studies the legitimacy of social clauses, regarding economic freedom and free competition in the European market. The intent of the A. is verify if, in the national and European system, the regulation of the job can direct the enterprises competitors in public contracts toward models of behavior pro labour using social clauses. The author analyze the relationship between rules of the job, freedom to provide services and free competition, in national and European system. This matter conduct the author to investigate the possibility and the legitimacy, for the public administrations, to impose the respect of standard of treatment fixed by law o by collective bargaining. Analysis is conducted studying the most recent jurisprudence of the Court of Justice and analyzing the normative novelties introduced by the Directive 2014/24/UE.

Forlivesi, Michele