Trasferire lavoratori e attività: riflessioni e questioni a margine dell’implementazione del modello di governance della Città metropolitana

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 279/2015

Lo scritto – destinato agli scritti in onore di Raffaele De Luca Tamajo – riprende e sviluppa i ragionamenti prospettati nell’ambito di uno studio condotto per il Formez.

Transferring workers as a result of the processes of macro reorganization government is always a delicate time management full of worries and often fibrillation. 
The author tries to outline virtuous path applications for the mobility of staff in the PA since the new rules introduced by the reform Renzi-Madia (Law no. 214/2014). In particular, the attempt is to delineate their respective areas of competence attributed to the macro and micro organization as well as the protection and models of labor relations due under the aegis of each. The lesson gained in the private sector and consolidated around art. 2112 of the Civil Code, relating to transfers of company, offers, however, fruitful ideas for reflection as well in the public sector. 
Leaning against the background of protection consolidated in the private sector, just around the rules contained in this standard, you can open interpretive scenarios useful for the public sector. This especially with regard to issues raised as a result of the repeal of the Provinces and the transition to the new model of territorial governance of metropolitan Cities.

Nicosia, Gabriella