La disciplina delle mansioni nel d. lgs. n. 81 del 2015

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 291/2016

Il saggio sviluppa la relazione tenuta alla Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, Scandicci (FI), 14-16 ottobre 2015 ed è in corso di pubblicazione sulla rivista Diritti Lavori Mercati, n. 3/2015.

The Author examines the new rules of employees’ duties introduced by Legislative Decree no. 81/2015, through a rational analysis of the first doctrinal comments. He wonders particularly whether worker’s expertise may be considered as still protected - and eventually within which new boundaries - since the notion of ‘equivalence’ has been repealed in new Article 2103 of Civil Code. In order to give a reliable answer, the Author recalls some significant judgments of the High Courts, verifying their potential impact on the interpretation of the new rules, proposes a possible jurisprudential development and suggests some solutions.

Amendola, Fabrizio
working paper,Italy,Tasks,equivalence,protection of expertise