La finanza sociale come strumento per le politiche pubbliche

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 350/2018

Il saggio è in corso di pubblicazione sulla Rivista delle Politiche Sociali.

Our work elaborates on the high social impact household saving could generate if channelled (at least, partially) into social impact investments in a win-win formula for both household and the society as a whole. More specifically, we focus on two financial products with both a monetary return along with a well defined social impact: Social Bonds (SB) and Social Impact Bonds (SIB). While social bonds reduce the net return in favour of the setting up of a social programme, the Social Impact Bonds represent an innovative and breakthrough concept that mixes the traditional investment, be it risky or risk free, with a social connotation in a unique public-private partnership.

Gambardella, Dora - Rossi, Maria Cristina – Salomone, Riccardo
working paper,Italy,finanza sociale,politiche pubbliche