Nuove traiettorie del diritto del lavoro nella crisi europea. Il caso italiano

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 111/2014

Di prossima pubblicazione in CARUSO, S.B.; FONTANA, G..(a cura di), Lavoro e diritti nella crisi europea. Un confronto fra costituzionalisti e giuslavoristi, il Mulino ed. e, in versione tradotta, in Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal.

The conceptual path developed in the paper originates from the observation of the structural nature of the current economic crisis and of its profound impact on twentieth-century labour law narrative, especially within those national systems affected by weak production structures and high public debt, as for Italy is the case. 

Within such a perspective, the A. proposes new possible trajectories of the traditional labour law narrative that may be summarized in the following terms: i) a reconsideration of the personal work contract, also including types of entrepreneurial work, in the light of a new reading of art. 35 of Italian Constitution; ii) the positive revaluation of the principle of conditionality linked to the responsibility principle; iii) and, finally, a mature consideration of the meta-principle of constitutional balancing   and of its functional corollary, the principle of proportionality, analysed through its application by high and Constitutional Courts in specific national contexts of crisis. At the end some examples are given   in support of such renewed narrative of labour law, drawn by Italian recent legislation.

Caruso, Sebastiano Bruno
working papers,economic recession,governance,stability pact,labour law,economic policy,work contract,Italy,reforms,jurisprudence,comparative analysis