Rapporto di lavoro, diritti sociali e Carte europee dei diritti. Regole di ingaggio, livello di protezione, rapporti tra le due Carte
WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 118/2015
Relazione, rivista ed ampliata, tenuta alla Scuola della Magistratura il 21.4.2015
The paper analyzes the influence in the Italian legal and social system of the two European Charter of rights, the European Convention of 1950 and the European Charter of fundamental rights which has become binding with the entry into force of Lisbon Treaty. The Autor focuses his attention above the different rules of application of the two Charters, the different effects of the violation of the social rights at stake and the connection between the decisions of the two European Courts.
Attached ITA
working papers,Italy