Sostenibilità, diritti sociali e commercio internazionale: la prospettiva del Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.INT – 115/2015

Scritto destinato agli Studi in Onore di Mario Gianni Garofalo.

Does Trade Liberalisation promote what the ILO calls "Decent Work"? The UE-USA Trans-Atlantic Partnership on Trade and Investment (TTIP) represent an historical opportunity for better institutionalize the linkage between trade/investments and social rights. The globalisation created a need for a new governance in the social sphere and the EU's global vocation for human rights could be transferred into the TTIP, with a view to achieving greater coherence in employment protection policies both in UE and In USA . The paper analyses the different way to build a TTIP Social Clause or a "Sustainability Chapter" in the way that recent and emerging free trade agreements do.

Perulli, Adalberto
working papers,international affairs,commerce,social policy,social clause , fundamental rights,rights of the individuals,governance,social cohesion,social protection