Call for papers | Brexit mitigation by social security coordination - 2018 SERI Colloquium for Young Scholars (deadline 20/02/2018)

SERI is organizing a colloquium (with a subsequent special issue in “Economia&Lavoro”) about the effects of Brexit on social security coordination, as well as about policy options to mitigate them.

PhD students and young scholars interested in participating should send an application to Scuola Europea di Relazioni Industriali (SERI).

Abstracts (no more than 500 words) and CVs must be submitted electronically (michele.faioli@uniroma2.it) by February 20, 2018.

Annamaria Simonazzi (Sapienza University of Rome) and Michele Faioli (University of Rome Tor Vergata – Law School) will chair the Scientific Committee.