Fourth Young Scholars' Workshop in Labour Relations. Call for Papers

Deadline: October 31, 2014 (abstracts); January 16, 2015 (full papers)

Modena, Italy, 18 March 2015. Marco Biagi Foundation, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

The Marco Biagi Foundation invites PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers (holding a post-doctoral grant) to submit abstracts for a workshop in Labour Relations to be hosted as the preliminary session of the Thirteenth International Conference in Commemoration of Professor Marco Biagi.

Abstracts should describe research projects that fall within the field of Labour Relations from one of the following disciplinary perspectives: law, industrial relations, labour economics, organization theory, human resources management. Special consideration will be given to those topics and original research projects that allow for an interdisciplinary dialogue involving two or more of these disciplines, and that show a specific concern for international and/or comparative issues.

Fourth Young Scholars' Workshop in Labour Relations. Call for Papers