Appunti sulla funzione delle categorie civilistiche nel diritto del lavoro dopo il Jobs Act

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 290/2016

Relazione svolta a Pisa il 3 dicembre 2015 nel convegno di studi della prima sessione "Lavoro e categorie giuridiche".

Notes on the function of civil categories in the labour law after the “Jobs Act”
The A. examines the new discipline of certain categories (such as subordination, duties, compensation for damage to person, the employee's right to give performance, the discriminatory dismissal and dismissal for retaliation) to highlight how in some cases, case law and doctrine, and the same legislature, have supplemented and enriched categories of civil law, with particular regard to compensation for damage to person and the right of the employee in execution of the performance.
In other cases the civil categories cover the gap left by labour discipline that, conversely, prevails in case of conflict. As occurs in many cases of unfair dismissal that were previously considered void and now, instead, are not sanctioned with the reintegration but with compensation for damages.

Santoro-Passarelli, Giuseppe
working paper, Italy, Jobs Act