Autonomia, subordinazione, coordinazione nel d.lgs. n. 81/2015

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 294/2016

In corso di pubblicazione in M. MAGNANI, A. PANDOLFO, P. A. VARESI (a cura di), I contratti di lavoro. Commentario al d.lgs. 15 giugno 2015, n. 81, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016

The Jobs Act has retained most of the permissible forms of employment contract, only abolishing legislation on job sharing. It has also repealed the legislation on project work and venture partnerships as forms of self-employment, while exten-ding the applicability of the rules on paid employment to “hetero-organised” work. This article discusses the main implications of the revision, both as regards its in-terpretation, and for labour law as a whole. It also underlines how the Jobs Act could mark the beginning of a new phase - one characterised by a greater attention to the various forms of work, in particular self-employed work, as set out in bill no. 2233.

Magnani, Mariella
working paper,Italy