Brevi annotazioni sull’incostituzionalità del criterio di legittimazione attiva di cui all’art. 28 dello statuto dei lavoratori

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 195/2013

Destinato agli Studi in memoria di M.G. Garofalo.

The A. claims that, after the 1995 referendum result on let. a, par. 1, of article 19 of the Workers’ Statute and, furthermore, after Constitutional Court judgement No 231 of 2013, the recognition of the capacity to sue granted to national unions by art. 28 Workers’, is unconstitutional.

de Angelis, Luigi
working papers,Italy,trade unions,trade union rights,workers’ organisations,workers’ representation,collective agreement,jurisprudence,interpretation of the law