‘A cavallo’ tra due codici: l’equo trattamento dei lavoratori nella nuova normativa sui contratti pubblici
WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 467/2023

ll contributo è stato sottoposto a peer-review anonima da un revisore selezionato dalla Direzione della collana. Ricevuto il 12/05/2023; accettato il 30/05/2023; pubblicato il 01/06/2023

"The paper analyses the regulation of social clauses on fair treatment in public procurement in the light of the new code of public contracts.
The essay briefly traces the significant changes with regards to the protective technique introduced by Article 36 of the Workers' Statute.
It then proceeds to compare the relevant provisions contained in Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 and those set up by Legislative Decree no. 34/2023, highlighting the profiles of continuity and discontinuity and the persistent - and sometimes unprecedented - application issues.
In the final paragraph the risks of friction with constitutional principles and EU legislation are examined."

Attached ITA
Santoro, Ivana