Contratto a termine, somministrazione e diritto europeo

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 391/2019

Questo scritto è destinato al volume di prossima pubblicazione a cura di F. Basenghi, A. Russo, I. Senatori, Nuovi scenari per il diritto del lavoro? Continuità e rottura tra il Jobs Act e le riforme del “governo del cambiamento”

The intention of this essay is to consider the reforms in the field of fixed-term contracts and agency work introduced by the "decreto dignità" as a basis for evaluate the ratio of the new Italian law (which is particularly regressive) in comparison with the European approach to temporary work. Through the examination of the three directives on the fixed-term employment, part-time and agency work, it has been tried to identify, at the same time, lines of convergence and divergence with specific reference to the question relating to the regulation of "temporary work", and to the prevention of "precariousness".

Sitzia, Andrea