Dei poteri (del datore di lavoro), dei controlli (a distanza) e del trattamento dei dati (del lavoratore)

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 300/2016

Il saggio è destinato alla pubblicazione, nella sua versione definitiva, su ADL n. 3/2016.

The essay takes into account the new wording of Article 4 of the Law n. 300/1970 with the aim to provide - in an interdisciplinary perspective, today strongly conditioned by the right to privacy - a systematic reconstruction of the updated discipline of remote controls for workers. After proposing a criteria to distinguish the instruments of control (art . 4 , paragraph 1) from the work tools (art . 4 , par. 2), relevant because only the latter can be used to monitor the employee’s performance without any prior authorization, the reached conclusion is that the protection of the worker is mostly focused on the level of the individual employment relationship and focused on the mode of processing data. A treatment that labor law allows, waiving the right of privacy, for all purposes relating to the employment relationship and without need for prior consent of the worker. Thus, opening up new perspectives that will profoundly change the enterprise organization.

Marazza, Marco
working paper, Italy