Diritti di lavoratori flessibili, anche alle dipendenze di amministrazioni pubbliche: patrimonio costituzionale comune versus declino delle garanzie

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 211/2014

Rielaborazione della relazione all'incontro di studio su La disciplina del lavoro pubblico: rilevanza e limiti della privatizzazione, Scuola superiore della magistratura, Scandicci,  3-4 aprile 2014.

The paper deals with the level of protection that the common constitutional heritage guarantees to flexible workers, including those employed by public administrations. The prevalence of the European law over national legal sources may ensure the maintaining of a certain level of protection for flexible workers against any chance of regression of it at national level. 
In this perspective, the paper focuses on the acquis of the European Court of Justice and outlines the principles deriving from its extensive case law on matters related to the fixed-term contract directive.  

De Luca, Michele
working papers,Italy,fixed-term work,public sector,work contract,anti-discriminatory measure,jurisprudence