Droit du Travail et Régionalisme en Italie: de la Réforme de la Constitution à la Jurisprudence de la Cour Constitutionnelle

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 150/2012

Ce rapport constitue une synthèse mise à jour des resultats d’une recherche collective des auteurs, présentée dans la journée de Rencontre Internationale Université de Naples- Université Paris 1, qui a eu lieu en Sorbonne le 14 juin 2011, sur le thème Régionalisme italien et régionalisme français. Aspects constitutionnels, administratifs et fiscaux. Le rapporteur du group à Paris a été Claudia Murena. L’écrit est en cours de publication dans un volume (éd. L’Harmattan, Paris) dont le titre sera celui de la journée d'études, édité par le Professeur M. Marcou. La version intégrale du rapport a été publiée en italien dans la revue Diritti lavori mercati, 2012, 1, pp. 175-211.

Les paragraphes 1 et 5 ont été rédigés par Anna Trojsi; le paragraphe 2, par Claudia Murena; le paragraphe 3, par Alessandro Di Casola; le paragraphe 4, par Mario Cerbone.

The paper analyzes the division of legislative power between State and Regions with regard to the labour area, ten years after the famous reform of the Italian Constitution, Title V, Part II (Constitutional Law no. 3 of 2001). The labour sector has been, as a matter of fact, among the ones causing many problems of interpretation of the new constitutional discipline: the several topics of article 117 of the Constitution which are relevant to the "Labour Law" belong to all of the three areas of competence mentioned by the law: exclusive State competence; shared competence between State and Regions (which includes the "protection and safety at work"); exclusive-residual competence of the Regions. 
In this complicated tangle of competences, a fundamental role was played by the Italian Constitutional Court case-law, since the judges have been asked to solve the several conflicts between State and Regions. It is no coincidence that the labour sector has been amongst those which mostly absorbed the Court. 
Therefore, the research has been specifically focused on the position of the Court with regard to those areas of labour law characterized by wider Regional legislative competence spaces (this involving several problems concerning the relation between the national and regional legislative competence), including: labour market; vocational training and public employment (regional and local). The aim of the study is to point out the peculiarities of the distribution of legislative competences among State and Regions with regard to these three subjects, on one hand; and, on the other, the basic common guidelines of the jurisprudence of the Court. In this latter regard, the research highlighted the great importance, in the labour sector, of the “interferences settlement” criteria in the case of “competences concurrence”, as well as the centrality of the principle of “loyal cooperation”, amongst them.

Trojsi, Anna; Cerbone, Mario; Di Casola, Alessandro; Murena, Claudia
working papers,Italy,labour law,regional and local authorities,Regions,vocational training,public sector,jurisprudence