Il bancario “ibrido” nell’economia liquida (nuove proposte dall’autonomia collettiva)

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 328/2017

Il presente contributo verrà pubblicato, nella sua versione finale, su DRI n. 3/2017.

The essay explores the technical aspects of the Intesa San Paolo Group's Sustainable Development Protocol of 1 February 2017, in which it introduces, for the first time in Italy, an innovative way of professional collaboration that comes alive thanks to the parallel coexistence, between the bank and its employee, a part-time employment relationship and an independent employment relationship. A complex contractual framework created to try to meet multiple expectations. A contractual schema that proposes itself to the attention of the market as a possible tool for organizing work in the current, difficult, economic environment of the banking sector. An industry that demonstrates a strong need for innovation and solutions that can sustainably support the unstoppable change of businesses that animate it.

Marazza, Marco