Il contratto a tempo indeterminato a tutele crescenti tra law and economics e vincoli costituzionali

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 259/2015

Il presente saggio è la rielaborazione della relazione tenuta a Napoli il 24 giugno 2015 nell’Incontro di Studio dal titolo “La nuova disciplina dei licenziamenti individuali: dalla legge Fornero al Jobs Act”.

The essay analyzes the single employment contract with growing protection introduced by the Legislative Decree March 4th 2015 n. 23. In the first part, the article points out the objectives of the reform, maintaining that, according to the economic literature and the empirical data, it is strongly arguable to sustain that a reduction in Employment Protection can increase the number of permanent jobs. In any case, the new legislation is completely focused on eventual (and improbable) economic targets, using all the categories of the Law and Economics regardless of the specific rationale of Labour Law (such as the protection of the worker in labour relationships and the possibility to claim the application of his rights). Then the essay concentrates on some more technical aspects of the new legislation, maintaining that the new law entrenches the managerial prerogatives. The article analyzes some disciplines, like the area of application of the law, discriminatory and void dismissal, reinstatement in disciplinary dismissal, the economic indemnity in case of unfair dismissal. The essay examines all the juridical questions linked to these subjects, underlining in particular the possible violation of the Constitution and European legal sources that the new discipline could cause.

Speziale, Valerio
working paper,Italy