Il contratto a tutele crescenti. Il giudizio

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 250/2015

Nel ricordo affettuoso di Mario Napoli. Il presente lavoro è destinato al volume, in corso di pubblicazione, di AA. VV., Jobs Act: il contratto a tutele crescenti, diretto da M.T. Carinci ed A. Tursi, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015.

The author examines procedural aspects of the recent reform of the Italian labour market (decreto legislativo n. 23 of 2015), highlighting the differences from the reform that had been carried through of previous Government. He notices some difficulties resulting from inapplicability of so-called Rito Fornero (Fornero’s procedure) to workers’s dismissals relative to the new contracts of employment, and deals with questions relative to the distribution of the burden of proof.

de Angelis, Luigi
working paper,Italy