Il lavoro dei rider: fenomenologia, inquadramento giuridico e diritti sindacali

WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 441/2021

Il contributo si colloca nell’ambito del Progetto di Ricerca PRIN 2017EC9CPX “Dis/Connection: Labor and Rights in the Internet Revolution” a cui partecipano le Università di Bologna, Napoli Federico II, Udine, Venezia Ca’Foscari. È in corso di pubblicazione per la rivista Variazioni su temi di diritto del lavoro.

The essay analyzes the problems of the work of riders. First of all, the incidence of digital platforms in our legal system and the issues related to the classification of these relationships as autonomous or hetero-organized work are examined.
The critical aspects of the collective agreement stipulated between Assodelivery and Ugl and the way in which union rights are regulated are then analized. From this point of view, it is highlighted the need to take into account that the continuity in the work of the riders does not depend on the formal type of employment and it is necessary to verify, in practice, how stable are the services performed through the app.
The investigation then focuses on the controversial aspects of the recognition of union rights under Title III of the Statute to "hetero-organized" riders. From this perspective, the problems associated with "productive unity" and the ability of the concept to adapt to work without a physical location of reference are investigated.

Cordella, Costantino